Thanks SA and Jen for helping me move my stuff home! Don't know what else to say, but that I've truly been blessed by this cell.
My stuff took up nearly half the floor space in the living room... Faced with the mammoth task of unpacking and re-organising my life, I felt like filing for late application for campus accomodation. First day home, and I feel like moving out already... Not that I don't like being at home, it's just that there is a need to adjust to living with family again. Think I'm a ultra high S (S in the DISC test. S stands for stability. Take super long to get out of past routine and to embrace new settings) person.
My stuff are still half unpacked-mainly books. Need to figure out how to fit them into my already-full book shelves...
I thank God for His providence of my room in PGP last year, He probably knew that I was not ready to live at home then =)
Back in PGP today, to deal with some leftover stuff... stuff from an era past... I know not what to do with them. Do I throw them or give them away? Or, do I keep them in a hidden cornor, till I'm ready to throw them away? What if I'm never ready to throw them away? What if I'm filled with heartache every time I look at them...
This is crazy... such futile thinking... I shall not dwell on these anymore. Lord, help me to trust in you, that you only want the best for me.
Something else to share... I asked the Lord what is Love and How to Love. He said that Love is not a feeling... Love is not demanding/manipulating others to love you... Love is not putting others in a spot.
Laugh, Love and Live
I would be true, for there are those who trust me. I would be pure, for there are those that care. I would be strong, for there is much to suffer. I would be brave, for there is much to dare. I would be friend to all, the foe, the friendless. I would be giving, and forget the gift. I would be humble, for I know my weaknesses. I would look up, laugh, love and live!