God's provision for me financially in 2005/2006
Dear Heavenly Father,
just wanna give you thanks for your provision. May this entry bring encouragement to many of your children =)
$650 Work as relief teacher for 10 days
$250 Increased in scholarship allowance
$300 Book allowance (first time we receive book allowance)
$500 CCA sponsorship to LJ
$120 Phone bills rebate for M1 users
Total: $1820
Thank you, Lord!
Laugh, Love and Live
I would be true, for there are those who trust me. I would be pure, for there are those that care. I would be strong, for there is much to suffer. I would be brave, for there is much to dare. I would be friend to all, the foe, the friendless. I would be giving, and forget the gift. I would be humble, for I know my weaknesses. I would look up, laugh, love and live!
Friday, January 27, 2006
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
I just want to thank my buddy, Therie, for praying for me for this semester! Thank you, Therie! Your stength and courage has inspired and encouraged me to persevere. Your love and passion for your work, family and friends has reminded me to love.
Monday, January 23, 2006
I Love You, Jesus
Yayee!!! I'm so happy today! (despite the fact that I still have much uncompleted work...)
Happy Happy Happy!!!
I gave my honors project mid term progress talk this afternoon. Though the examiner bombarded me with questions that I can't answer, my supervisior was really kind to help me deflect the questions! Haha... Not that my supervisior is too protective over me, but that we had discussed the same questions for many hours, but couldn't reach a conclusive answer!
And he said that my presentation has met his expectations by 90%!!! Yay!!!
I want to thank God and give Him the glory because, in the midst of preparing for this talk, He has given me the ideas of how to present the materials! He has shown me what are the examples to include and where it is necessary to give pictorial representations!
I know there are areas which I could have done better, but just didn't have time to edit those parts.
And again, I am amazed at how God has been trying to teach me, about seeing the big picture, getting the key idea. This has been difficult for me because I'm a very detail-oriented person, more concerned about details than big picture.
It all started before I began this project... SA always tell me to look at the big picture first and not be so blogged down by the details... Then comes this project with a supervisior who consistently "demands" the key ideas... Then comes the book Biblical Preaching by Haddon W. Robinson, who talks about the main idea in a sermon right in the first chapter...
I truly thank God for trying to teach me and I thank God for SA and for my supervisior (who's also a brother in Christ). I only pray that I can continue to submit to Your teachings and apply myself to the lessons You want me to learn.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
I left my new year cookies at Expo Hall 9. Sherry reminded me to pick them up after service and I picked them up and left them somewhere else....
Yesterday, I left SA's guitar at Mac... left the Mac for maybe 30min b4 i remember that the guitar was not with me. Fortunately, the manager kept it for me.
Last year, have left lots of stuff all over the place as well... Left a file of exam notes on a bus during exam period. Left my thumb-drive in the school computer. Left floppy disk in school computer. Left library books in a canteen. I thank God for His grace for I have always managed to recover all these things.
Yet, i wonder what He is really trying to tell me through all these... Grace? Or is it the way I handle my things?
Seems like a lot has happened since last week... I feel overloaded... not sure by what though... work? info? I'm confused and somewhat tired... don't feel like praying... God has been speaking about many things... and I still trying to digest them...
The harmony of His message in three different settings, by different people amazes me...
Saturday JR gathering, J challenged if we would still professed that we r really Christians, now that we know the cost of being one:
- to get rid of darkness so that Light can shine through
- to be disciple-makers, to rise up a generation of leaders of God
J asked, "As you leave this world, will your parents testify that you had been a good daugther? Will your heavenly Father say 'This has been a good daugther?' "
R shared about fear of the Lord, an area God Himself has spoken to me about last 2 weeks. An area which I'm doing very badly in. And I asked to receive the fear of God in my life.
Sunday SOL, lesson about Leadership as Call of God and Supernatural Leadership. Again, a call, would God find one who will stand in the gap? Will you be the one to invest your life in 12 others so that as you return to the Father, there will be 12 of you left, to carry on the work of God.
Rev Chua Seng Lee (CSL) shared about commitment, not as what you do for God, but SURRENDER. A life surrendered so God can use. God's work must be done God's way! There is a need for intimacy with the HS! Need for prayer, dependence on the HS.
Brokenness - Painful but necessary lesson for all His leaders. "Not my will, but Yours be done." A broken spirit that seeks not to protect himself, but desires to fulfil every command of His master. I do not think that God is sadistic. Because brokenness is about Trust. Can I trust that as He leads me to unchartered lands, His protection will be upon me?
Examine your Life. If you are not living in Victory, how can you expect your members to trust God for miracles?
Maintaining a correct self-image - do not compare, because God has called you uniquely to be different from others, with other gifts. Celebrate who you are because no one can replace you! Do not try to be a 2nd _______. Be the best Liting. Yes, I will stop camparing and start to discover my gifts.
Quotations from Rev Chua Seng Lee
"Take care of your depth in God and He will take care of the breadth of your ministry."
"Busyness is a sin because it leaves you no time for God."
"A life not examined is not worth living."
"There is only one life, live it well."
How true they all are... cos I tend to focus too much on the doing, and neglect God... And that is not surrender...
Sunday Youth Service, message about Living a Consecreted Life for God. An invitation again...
3 invitations in 2 days. I admit I'm overwhelmed. Yet, I know that I do want to be all these and do all these. They have been my desire since I accepted Christ. Somehow, I have drifted away and found it difficult to depend on God.. There seems to be so many areas in my life that needs cleaning up... and it seems to be so difficult... But I truly believe that I will have the victory!
Yes, I did respond positively to all the invitations. And I know that they require more than a response. They require me to really examine my life, so that I can be consciously and actively involved and determined to get rid of the darkness.