Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Hi to all who have been checking my blog regularly. Apologies for not having update my blog for such a long time. Realised that I have not blogged for the entire month of April.

Have finished my exams and submitted my thesis. I believe this marks the end of my undergraduate years. Indeed, the past academic year has been the fastest I've ever experienced.

Have taken a two days retreat and I think it's too short... I'm tired already, trying to back-up my files before sending it to the service centre to be repaired. Yes, I've not used my laptop for more than two months. Pretty amazing...

Even more amazing are salvations we are seeing this year (and the number of people being baptized) and I believe there will be more! Praise God! Yes, there will be more!

Let's pray for compassion and strength to consolidate the new believers and for them to experience the reality of God and be filled with the joy of being reconciled with our Heavenly Father!