Sunday, October 23, 2005


Reads "fast-ti". Ahahaha... this word was blurted out by my friend Jiun, when she was trying to hurry a friend.... it's a combination of "faster" (in English) and "fei-ti" (in Cantonese).

Realised that I'm indeed very excited about the the happenings in the coming months... my hons proj, going to Lijiang, Big Move to EXPO (EXtraordinay POssibilities), Magic of Love, new batch of SM2s, Service Learning, Project SMILE (Sharing Magic In Love Everywhere), Summer camp in Shanghai 2006, Thousand Linking Hands 2008 in Beijing (qian1 qian1 shou3)... etc. Sounds like a lot? Yet I know, there are so many people who are doing so much so much more than me...

At the same time, i'm also very very fearful... Great fears usually follow my initial excitement. See my inadequacies... realised I have to be more prepared, more ready to serve. It is so difficult to apply "Do not fear, for I am with you..". Yet, I really really know that His kingdom is so much more immense than my fears... not that my fears are not important... I know that His strength will be made perfect in my weaknesses...